Invest in globally-diversified portfolios

Our intelligent investment framework manages risk and optimises for valuation in your investments to capture long-term returns.

Fees as low as 0.2%

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We’re licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (License no. Lor Khor-0136-01).

Invest in globally-diversified portfolios

Portfolio Type

Risk level


Lower Risk

Higher risk



Annualised since Inception

Returns (%)



This is how a $100,000 deposit would have grown over time

Projected returns are for illustration purposes only. We calculate these returns before fees.

The inception date for portfolios with SRI 6.5%, 8%, 10%, 12%, 14%, 16%, 18%, and 20% is 19 July 2017; the inception date for portfolios with SRIs of 26%, 30%, and 36% is 16 August 2018; the inception date for the portfolio with SRI 22% is 15 August 2019.

Past performance is not a guarantee for future returns. Please study the product's features, return conditions, and relevant risks before making an investment decision.

Our investment framework's goal isn't to beat the markets every day. In fact, depending on how much risk you decide to take, you'll likely still experience short-term volatility at times. But, through those bumps, your StashAway portfolios can recover more quickly compared to investments with the same risk level that don't maximise returns. The end result? The opportunity for less painful drawdowns in the short term, and stronger performance in the medium to long term.

Why invest with us?

We earn trust all over the world, every single day

StashAway is the first digital wealth platform in Southeast Asia with more than $1 billion USD in total assets under management. 174 nationalities living in 145 countries are building their wealth with us.

We earn trust all over the world, every single day

We back your investments with data so you can focus on returns

With our Economic Regime-based Asset Allocation (ERAA™), rest easy knowing that your capital and assets remain protected even in uncertain market conditions.

We put people behind our portfolios, so you come first

We keep our communication channels open so you can gain access to personalised and dedicated help. Make sense of your investment portfolios, anytime you need.

We put people behind our portfolios, so you come first

Our expertise helps you focus on returns

Stashaway brings more than 50 years of industry experience with over 30,000 hours of research and testing. This results in precision investing or what we call Economic Regime-based Asset Allocation (ERAA™).
Put data behind your money, not emotions
ERAA™ monitors data, cuts through market noise and dives into what’s really going on in the economy as a whole.
Allocate assets intelligently, not cherry-pick securities
We monitor changes in the market and allocate your assets to capture opportunities, so your portfolios get the best combination of protection and performance.
Optimise your returns and avoid unnecessary risks
With our StashAway Risk Index (SRI), you can rest easy knowing your investments will not lose more returns than you’re willing to tolerate regardless of economic conditions.
More on our methodology

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Frequently Asked Questions

This is the measurement we use to determine how much risk our system should expose you to, which then determines your portfolio’s asset allocation. We gave it our own name not to be fancy, but because it’s a specific application of a fairly common risk metric called Value-at-Risk (VaR).

To calculate the potential loss of a portfolio in a year, we use Value-at-Risk (VaR). At StashAway, we use 99%-VaR, meaning a portfolio has a 99% probability of not losing more than a given percentage of assets in a year.

Here’s an example: a StashAway portfolio with 100,000 THB and a StashAway Risk Index of 10% has a 99% probability of not losing more than 10%, or 10,000 THB in a year. In other words, there is a 99% probability that your portfolio’s value won’t decrease below 90,000 THB if you select a 10% StashAway Risk Index.


When a particular asset reaps significant gains relative to other assets in the portfolio, its market value weight increases above target allocation. Without rebalancing, the portfolio is increasingly concentrated in the outperforming asset class hence raising risks. Our algorithm checks customer portfolios daily, and performs rebalancing when allocations deviate from targets by more than our "optimised" bands. This can happen weekly, monthly or quarterly, depending on the markets' volatility and performance.


Returns and risks of each asset class change when the economic environment changes. For example, between Jan-1982 and Dec-2016, the S&P 500 returned +16.4% year over year (yoy) in "disinflationary growth", -10.3% yoy in a "recession", +8.8% yoy in "inflationary growth" and 2.7% yoy in "Stagflation". To optimise customers' portfolios, StashAway builds portfolios that consist of a mixture of asset classes optimum for a given economic environment. Our investment framework, ERAA (Economic Regime-based Asset Allocation), identifies and signals a change in the economic cycle and our technology automatically re-optimises portfolios’ asset allocations. This change in asset allocation is important because it allows us to manage risk and improve returns in different economic environments. This change is "strategic" (can happen once a year to once every few years) but may be as frequent as 2-3 times a year if there is a lot of economic uncertainties.

When investing as an individual, there are minimum trade sizes and high transaction costs imposed on the account, and this makes investing as an individual cost-prohibitive. With StashAway, you will benefit from the constant monitoring, rebalancing, and re-optimisation that we provide. Moreover, StashAway is able to offer fractional shares to make your portfolio more precisely allocated that is nearly impossible if you were to do it on your own.

Watch: Why should I use StashAway instead of investing in the same ETFs on my own?

Learn more: Who Should Manage Your Investments?

A single return figure (Time-Weighted Returns vs Money-Weighted Returns) does not tell the whole story of how well a portfolio performs.

Returns are one thing but the level of risk exposure your portfolio has in achieving those returns is an entirely different matter. 

Remember to consider how much risk your portfolio manager exposes your money to in the name of getting your returns.

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